25th Anniversary


Scott & Glennis at Altar3-compressed

  Glennis and I  just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary! We were married in Steilacoom, Washington on September 1st, 1984. We  made our wedding vows at this time “in sickness and in health.”

My devoted wife has kept her vows to me and before God as being sacred. Glennis has sacrificed many of her own needs so that she could attend to mine as well as to our families, home and business needs.S & G hands on Bible2-Wedding She is a beautiful illustration of the “bride of Christ” who has set her affections on the things of God. I am very humbled by her willingness to go beyond her own strength and to allow “Christ in her” to minister supernatural love and life to me and anyone else that she touches. Through our faith and love for each other, we have been strengthened in our marriage. As one, we have overcome discouragement and despair, with hope and opportunity. We see each day as a new beginning and a blessing from God. Together we know that through the power of love anything is possible.

                                                 S&G 25th Anniversary

                                                           Sept 1st, 2009



2 Responses to “25th Anniversary”

  1. Curtis Gress Says:

    Congtaulations! You two are such an amazing example of Gods love. God Bless!

  2. Brett Says:

    Curtis nailed it…