God Supplies in the Valley


death-valley-pics6.jpgGod is bringing me through a valley, and has provided everything I needed there. Man is not able to supply our insatiable needs in the valley, man’s methods or ways are often inadequate and lead to death. God’s plan is always leading us to the Cross, where we lose our life and gain spiritual life. When Christ is released to work in our lives; we exchange His life for ours. God initiates His plan by leading us to the Cross (Mt 16:24), we then have a choice to cooperate with His plan or not. Carnal death is where God wants to take us to, death to self life,  when we die to our ways, we become weak and rest in God’s Word, then the power of God is released and miracles can take place.

Everything has already been provided, He finished the work on the Cross it was a perfect sacrifice for us. His Word says we believe those things (promises) which are not as though they are (Rm. 4:17). We believe with our mind and confess with our mouth, and act as though it’s already accomplished, by faith. Hope says it will happen, faith says it already has. Healing comes by grace not self effort. I can do nothing to obtain salvation or healing, its unmerited favor. I rest from my works as God did from His.

When I rest from my works I enter into His rest (Heb 4:10). Entering to rest is done by faith in what the promise says. We enter into works that have already been finished from the foundation of the world  (Heb 4:3). These works are past tense, He’s already healed us, delivered us, saved us, provided for us (Ps 91). I’m to continually cease from my works by believing I have received. I am in the kingdom of God, God does the works, He provides the power and I enter in by my faith. And my faith believes that I have received, not that I’m going to receive, because then it would be by my works. God’s work has already been accomplished; He chose the things that be not as though they were. Gods promises are not perceived by sight or reason, you don’t see it by sight and can only obtain it by faith. 

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