In early January of this year, God compelled me to go and take a trip of faith to Arizona. A simple word “go” was all I heard; Oh what difficulty that one word would require of me to obey, My spirit was willing but my flesh is weak! There was much opposition to stop me from fulfilling the command that I heard very clearly in my spirit! At two different times in March, I had taken blood tests that indicated I had a low blood Hematocrit (red blood cell count). This situation had been causing me to be extremely fatigued. One week before our long road trip, I was at the hospital for X ray & Ultrasound exams for the severe pain and discomfort that I had been experiencing since the middle of February. We were happy to know that my organs were not the concern but I was suffering from a bleeding ulcer. How in the world could my body manage the call of God to visit Arizona the next week?? I could not do it! God would have to do it through me!
I tell my wife, “Lets go; Jesus is going to Arizona and he is taking this broken down body with him.” Glennis (after a confirming word in her spirit) says “yes, we will go by God’s Grace”! My wife is tireless and selfless with a fighting, determined Spirit of God within her. The others on this adventure were our kids; Justin, Jessica, Ashley and Kylee, son-in-law; Jerry, granddaughter; Korbyn, nephew; Austin and also our dear friends; Bob Nicholls and Terry & Susan Keller. All of these precious ones were used by God to either add or to make this faith mission possible. If they had not also heard God say to them to “go”; I would still be in my bedroom just dreaming about the trip to Arizona. By faith obedience we embarked on our venture March 26th.
Our first night in town, our family had been invited for dinner at my Aunt Yvonne and Uncle Bill’s house in
Sun City. Other relatives there were Aunt Pam and cousin’s, Bob and Jody. We had an enjoyable time catching up with one another since it had been several years. We appreciated their generosity for having all of us over for the evening. Although I personally could not eat food; I did enjoy the fellowship and was also looking forward to tasting spiritual food at the tent meetings.
May God bless evangelists Ken Dewey and his wife, Celeste, who shared my burden to reach souls in the Phoenix area
and who inspired me, despite my health condition, to step out in faith obedience. They trusted God to hold a Tent Revival Meeting that would be sponsored by other churches to share the Gospel message. The Dewey’s left their home in Albuquerque, New Mexico and arrived in the Phoenix Metro Area March 18th. Despite learning that the road to tent meetings is long and difficult within the city limits (because of rules and regulations, permits and expense) the Lord opened a door in Maricopa County just outside of Mesa City limits for the Church; New Life Worship Center to host the Tent Meetings. Pastor W. Graves welcomed the opportunity and was available to co-labor with Ken & Celeste Dewey. The Pastor and his congregation willingly permitted the tent to be set up on their property the following weekend; they also provided support of their worship team and other members. The Tent meetings began Monday, March 29th with a night of prayer and concluded Friday, April 2nd. Ken did the majority of preaching and led souls to Christ. Glennis and others shared inspiring thoughts. I was filled with tears and only spoke a few words during the tent meetings because of the difficulty of my speech. “Come forward now!” “There’s more” and “The time is short” (I was compelled by God’s Spirit to urge people to come forward joining me in a surrendered life to Christ).
On Thursday afternoon, April 1st, we visited the Teen Challenge Men’s Center in Phoenix. Our friend, Susan Keller, through her previous contacts, was able to arrange a tour and introduction led by counselor, Scott Mosely, to the facility and Mission of the Center. Scott, a former student of Teen Challenge, is now a counselor for the Center. Teen Challenge operates Nation-wide with a Mission Statement to “To provide youth, adults and families with an effective and comprehensive Christian faith-based solution to life-controlling drug and alcohol problems in order to become productive members of society. By applying biblical principles, Teen Challenge endeavors to help people become mentally-sound, emotionally-balanced, socially-adjusted, physically-well, and spiritually-alive”. We support and commend the work of this life transforming Ministry!
On April 2nd, we traveled to Flagstaff (2 hours north) to visit Pastor Daniel Williamson, the boys at Teen Challenge’s New Horizon Christian Academy and also to attend The Lamb of God Church on Easter Sunday. Most
of the hotels in Flagstaff could not accommodate our large group because they were already booked for the Easter weekend. Through our son-in-law, Jerry, we were able to make affordable arrangements for rooms at a four story nine bedroom Victorian Conference and Retreat Center (launched recently to the public to rent rooms and/or apartments in the adjoining cottages and Carriage house). The kind owner, Wade, graciously permitted us to stay on the entire lower level with 5 beautifully furnished bedrooms (5+ bathrooms!). Wow! Glennis felt especially pampered; hours earlier we had no place to stay, and then out of no-where we find ourselves welcomed guests in this extravagant residence. Thank God for His unexpected, unmerited blessings! Once again we unpacked our luggage, medical equipment and supplies and settled in to our room. That evening, Glennis wanted me to see more of the house. There was accessibility to the second, main floor, so I would be able to go upstairs and explore the large, open “Great Room’ (with a Fireplace and Grand Piano). This living room had Office and Conference areas that branched off of it, in addition to the Commercial Kitchen, Dining Area and a Breakfast Nook with a beautiful view of Humphreys Peak, the highest point in Arizona (elevation of 12,637 ft) within the mountain range known as the San Francisco Peaks and also a view of the Community Park next door.
After we had gotten familiar with second floor; we sat in nice, oversized armchairs. Wade came to join us to become better acquainted. He was very congenial, a well educated professional and a deep thinker. After spending a little more time visiting; Wade began to open up to us. He had been searching for answers that religious thought, philosophy, education, money and this world’s wisdom could not satisfy. He seemed empty and desperate for hope and answers for future direction and decision making. We recognized that he needed to come face to face with the Truth of The Person of Jesus Christ. He was called to have a living relationship with Christ who fills the void for significant purpose and meaning of life. Glennis and I were privileged to lead Wade to make an eternal decision to accept Jesus as his personal Savior. Hallelujah! We gave him a DVD copy of our interview recorded with Natalie Nichols from; “The Scott Brodie Story”. He suggested we view it together the next night.
Wade opened his home for us to have the Director (Pastor Daniel), Staff: Shannon and Neil along the boys from New Horizons Christian Academy (Teen Challenge). Also Sabine, Senia, Richard, Barak, and Andra joined us that Saturday evening. There were 26 of us altogether that gathered to view the 32 minute testimonial DVD followed by a time of sharing. Our thanks to Wade for his hospitality and openness to provide this opportunity of eternal value. We are also grateful for the life transforming work of the leadership at New Horizon’s. Saturday night became a time of weeping, rejoicing, foot washing and sweet fellowship that centered on the Love of God. Glennis spoke a message on Galations 2:20, how a believer’s life can be walked out by faith in Christ who loves us, guides and strengthens us because He lives within our hearts. She went to each of the boys and prayed with them individually. I shared a word on Revelations 12:11 & John 16:33 about overcoming through Christ. Many of the young teens we met had come from difficult family situations and had begun to make decisions that were leading them down a path of destruction. We want to keep in mind and in our prayers, the lives of Dustin, Micah, Shane, Christian, Brandon, James and both ‘Zachs’.
During the 3 day drive (3600mi roundtrip) to return home to in Puyallup, Washington from our recent road trip to Phoenix & Flagstaff, Arizona (3/26-4/6); God spoke into my spirit “To obey is better than sacrifice” (the passage described below).
“Samuel said, Has the Lord as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” (1Sam 15:22).
Saul was told by the prophet of God, Samuel “Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all they have; do not spare them” but Saul and the people spared Agag and the best of the sheep, oxen, fatlings, lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them. Instead of obeying God’s Word, Saul spared the best of the animals so he could make a sacrifice to God. Saul desired human approval for conquering the Amalekites; he wanted to be recognized for his efforts. In front of all of the people of Israel, Saul made a sacrifice the way he wanted to, not as God had instructed. The Sacrificial System had been instituted by God to Moses, so why wouldn’t this offering be good enough? Simply because God had not told him to sacrifice but to destroy everything! God was not pleased that Saul made a religious sacrifice rather than obeying His voice and command.
The best sacrificial offering we can bring to God is our broken and contrite heart (Ps 51:16-17). When we humbly approach His Throne, we can have full assurance of faith, from our acceptance of Christ, that God hears us. In our own efforts, we could make a thousand sacrifices to God; drive/fly thousands of miles for God’s service; or give thousands of dollars to His work. All of those sacrifices would mean nothing to God if there was not a surrendered heart that would simply trust Him by obeying his Word in faith.
“But the just shall live by his faith” ~ Habakkuk 2:4